Rob Ketterer
“The leader’s objective is to leverage the strengths of people and make their weaknesses become irrelevant.”
– Peter Drucker, Management Consultant

DISC Profile System

The DISC Profile System is an insightful, proven and memorable personality instrument for understanding ourselves and others for the purpose of increasing personal effectiveness.

This workshop is fun and highly interactive and will have a lasting and powerful impact on how your people think and behave.  The two key objectives of the DISC Workshop are: 1.) Identify specific individual personality strengths and weaknesses; and, 2.) Gain insight into the personalities and work styles of others (which will help participants better communicate and cooperate with others).

The DISC helps participants better understand themselves and the people around them.  This understanding has an immediate effect on performance/results and will continue to pay dividends as people grow in the organization.

The DISC is a great management tool for leaders — it helps them manage and motivate their people; and, gives them greater confidence that they have the right people in the right jobs.

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